Thursday, September 3, 2015

Traveling Without Moving (Jamiroquai)

When i think about a way to spent money, I’m always say: "the best way to spent cash, is for adventures and experiences for your life". In this context, i enjoy with simple things, like eat, drink, and speak with people, not only people in Chile off curse. For around two year, i was live with people for different countries, that was amazing, i learned different things about countries like France, Germany, Spain, India, Turkish, United States, Thailand, japan, Korea, Perú, Colombia, etc. That experience makes me feel happy, and the most important, makes me felt in a world with many things to discover. For that reason, this year, i was for three months in Spain, Barcelona, i have many friends there, and i loved every day with them. Now, about the questions:  Which country i would like to go? Well, the answer is very short: ALL, i want to know about many cultures, and if they are different between them, even better. i want to eat bizarre foods and drink wine, beer, juice, water, everything. Well, ok, I’m very happy with my plans, but, ¿what wrong with science?, i love science too, mm well, i hope to spend a lot of time in labs, but not all my life, and we need to understand: "the knowledge is in everywhere".