Thursday, September 10, 2015

Recordando a los que ya no estan

What i feel when i see this picture? well, difficult to say,  many things happen in my mind when i think about September 11 of 1973. First, i think many rights was violated, and this is not a simple situation, for many people this date is the memory of murders, missing and torture, even 40 years after, all the pictures are clear in the mind of a lot of people in our country, i don't feel proud, i don't want to forget, and when i see the politicians in this days, i always think "all of them are piece of shit" sorry for the expression, but, i feel angry when a think about that, because when i believe in a politician, i don't need to wait for a long time to listen words like: corruption, stills, and a big etc. About how has the state of Chile dealt with the people responsible for these crimes? (before and now), well, what can i say? like many others things the state don't do nothing, what happen with Manuel Contreras? this demon die on a bed, is like a joke, unfortunately it isn't. In this context, a context of violence, how a feel about people building barricades on the road, fighting, etc? Maybe three years a go, i felt different emotions, but now in 2015, i think violence is necessary, and in this situation, i don't talk in about kids, you know? when i say "violence is necessary" i speak about a context where everyday in many different situation, people on the power violent us, and for that, sometimes we need to response in the same way. This is not outdated, and this date affect the life of young people ¿why? because everyday the TV shows put on camera only some scenes, and without a quality education this is not a only big problem for the country, is a big problem for the world. Is a obligation for everybody put the things on the table, we need to fight, but not with violence in our hands in this case, we need to fight in a intelligence way, with young people on the power, but, ¿how we can do this? well, maybe i don't have the answer now, but, maybe someday i go it. 


  1. I'm totally agree, we should never forget that horrible day for all those victims.
