Thursday, October 15, 2015

For me the education is the base of a society, in this context, the support from the government and political class is fundamental, however, for many people the education is a very good business, and politicians are not the exception. If we think about the education in our country, we can see many lacks, a lot of students need to work for pay a "good university", or even worst, many students can´t study in an university, in my perspective, this is unacceptable. The education can´t be an option, or an "opportunity", the education need to be a right for everyone without exception. When i see the people on the power in Chile, I think: "what’s going on here", many ignorant s in the same place, all the time they say things like: "we understand" "the educations need to be a right" "free education", but, what happen with the facts?, when is an election time, OK, every politicians says a lot of thing for the people, but well, is not they fall, is our fall for believe in that kind of xxx persons. But, is necessary say something, education is not the only problem, or the "wonderful solution", the quality and free education is only a part of the real problem, and what’s the real problem? Well, we can see many inequality's in all contexts in Chile, economy, education, health, culture, etc. and if we don't find a solution for every topic, well, the illusion of a better place to live, mmm still dreaming.   



  1. I agree!!!!, I have seen many people not able to study because they have no money!!! is not possible. Cheers!!

  2. Yes, yes, corrupted politicians. The emphasis needs to be put on quality education. If it is free and continues to be as it is, there won't be many changes. We need to change the problem from the core and that is.schools to start with

  3. Chile needs right now deeply changes in the education theme, it´s so much the money than people spend for education today, it´s no normal.

  4. Yes, yes, corrupted politicians. The emphasis needs to be put on quality education. If it is free and continues to be as it is, there won't be many changes. We need to change the problem from the core and that is.schools to start with

  5. Education is the base of society, i couldn't agree more with you, our education needs fundamental changes right now, the issue isn't just about it being or not being free.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm agree, is true, the education isn't the only problem... the problem is more severe... the education isn't the "wonderful solution", but is a way!!!

  8. Is terrible that be politicians and business control the education like negotiate

  9. It's true, me too I don't understand why politicians don't listen or the people see all the injustices as normal things

  10. I agree with you, the main problem is inequality and the power groups that controls the system

  11. Totally agree with you, the problem is like a maze and all we are into in.
