Thursday, October 1, 2015

Drafting Table

I remember a lot of special presents and moments in my life, however, i always remember the day when my father gave me a drafting table, i love this present, because when i was young i spend a lot of time with a piece of paper and a pent, i feel great when I’m draw, maybe is like a therapy for me. We need money or a big quantity of time for some hobbies, but to draw, you just need imagination, a piece of paper, and like a say before, a pent, very cheap not? In this context, i think this present is very important because the art is part of my life too, when i was to school, i spend a lot of my free time with my father on his work, he works on antique furniture restoration and i love that, all the time i can saw different kinds of antiques, like very old furniture's, paintings, sculptures, etc. Maybe this drafting table gave me the reason to be a part of a restoration program in a cultural center in Ñuñoa, two years ago i give classes there, and this was a very nice and a new experience for me, because i have to show different techniques to make easier the learning to people older than me, and maybe sometimes we have fear in that kind of situations, you wait for comments like "is to young", but in the end, everything was be fine, i learn a lot of my talents and weakness too. ohh i almost forget, where is my present now? Well, in my room.


  1. Oh !!!! I am so jealous because I wanted one of this too.
    I hate you.

  2. I like drawing too :) and I have wanted on of that. Great gift! Enjoy it!

  3. very cool present, when I was a child I love painted and draw too, this is a very great gift for a child because it´s a healthy fun. i think i whould give to my son one of this too

  4. Nice gift, and also very nice to share your talent with others
